Closed-door concert held on 1/1/2021 at the Romolo Valli Theater in Reggio Emilia to support Clubs struggling because of the pandemic_


Limited Edition in 50 signed copies_
Edited by Massimo Lovisco with text by Pasquale Pezzillo_

[Photographic catalogue, 29.7x21 cm, 310 internal pages, ITA/ENG content, 4 mixed papers 135g pat. matte and shiro echo 120g + cover 4/0 colors hardcover 2000g matte bound]_

  • "1+1" | ^FOR|the:Ones°wI+Io/Dream*Of,Better-WORLDS_

    2h 2m

    Closed-door concert held [in streaming] on 1/1/2021 at the Romolo Valli Theater in Reggio Emilia_ ”1+1 | ForTheOnesWhoDreamOfBetterWorlds” is a Campaign to support Clubs struggling because of the pandemic_